Membership Application Process

Membership Categories

There are four types of NAMCOB Membership as defined in NAMCOB's Constitution (article 8.6):

  1. Institutional Members, applicable to constituted organisations whose work, or active participation comprises an interest to promote, assist or support the conservation of seabirds and their habitat in Namibia, as per article 8.1;
  2. Ordinary Members, applicable to individuals, whose work, or active participation comprises an interest to promote, assist or support the conservation of seabirds and their habitat in Namibia, as per article 8.1;
  3. Junior and Student Members, applicable to persons under the age of 21 years or who are bona fide students at any duly constituted educational facility, whether state or private, and who have an interest in seabirds, coastal and marine conservation and research, and who wish to become actively involved in the work of NAMCOB; and
  4. Corporate and Donor Members, being businesses, bilateral and multilateral development partners, foundations, trusts and other institutions that channel corporate social investment (CSI) and donor funding to conservation initiatives.

Only Institutional and Ordinary Members have voting rights on the NAMCOB Council. Other membership categories may participate in all NAMCOB events, but do not have voting rights and are not eligible for election to the Executive Committee. Other categories of Members may be co-opted to the Executive Committee.

Membership is by application to the Executive Committee.

Application Requirements

Applicants must submit*:

  • A completed application form (online - see below)
  • A signed declaration form (download in MS Word or PDF format here)
  • For organisations – the founder document and registration / certification number if relevant
  • For individuals – their Curriculum Vitae and copy of ID or passport
  • Any other documentation that might be required by the Executive Committee

* The application form can be completed online, below. The required attachments can be uploaded as part of the online application form.

On receipt of an application, it is checked by the Administrative Officer for completeness. If not complete, the applicant is contacted to rectify the matter. Applications are tabled at meetings of the Executive Committee for review. A Review Form (Annex 2) is completed and returned to the Secretariat Administrative Officer. The Executive Committee Members must be satisfied that:

  • The applicant is capable of acquiring rights and obligations;
  • The applicant’s main business or employment (in the case of a natural person), or active participation comprises an interest to promote, assist or support the conservation of seabirds and their habitat in Namibia;
  • There is no reason to suggest that the applicant may NOT support the Objectives of the Foundation;
  • There is no reason to suggest that the applicant may NOT practice and promote the Values of the Foundation; and
  • There is no reason to suggest that the applicant may NOT work in a collaborative manner with other Members to promote the objectives of the Foundation.

Based on this assessment, the Executive Committee then makes a recommendation to Council on whether to accept or reject the applicant for Membership. Council's decision is final.

Apply now

Choose a membership category to get started:

Type of membership
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